This week in the vineyard
This has been another busy week in the vineyard, we continue to trim the vines to expose the grapes. The grapes are getting larger and...
Even more lilies!
There are even more lilies this week! Dark orange Monte Negro, Cream tipped with dark pink Double Sensation, Black/Burgundy and a cream...
Lilies, lilies, lilies!
It is Lily time, the garden has exploded with lilies! Suddenly Susan (a spay type orange lily with burgundy painted on the petals),...
This week at Willow Creek Vineyard
It was busy this week at Willow Creek Vineyard, we hosted the Women in Fraser Valley Networking meeting on Monday evening and it was...
This week at the vineyard
It has been a busy week at Willow Creek, just keeping up with all the flowers blooming, staking up the lilies and other tall plants. ...
The May Long Weekend
Just a remainder that we at Willow Creek Vineyard are certified organic, and includes everything that we grow including flowers! Buy...
Flowers, flowers, flowers
The flowers have started! Sweet William is in bloom as are the peony's, itoh peony's and the roses. Do you have a love of flowers or a...
Happy Mother's Day
In honor of my mother I will be making some of her favorites including butter tarts, rice krispie squares, chocolate coconut macaroons...
More like spring weather
This week was more like spring weather, cool and great for gardening. At this time of year it is hard to keep up with the garden. Some...
Feels like summer!
Another hot week in the valley, yesterday the thermometer on my back porch, which is in the shade in the afternoon, was 32 degrees. Hot,...